• Faculty
  • Madison Smartt Bell
  • Madison Smartt Bell

    Professor of English; Co-Director, Kratz Center for Creative Writing

    麦迪逊·斯马特·贝尔(Madison Smartt Bell)是马里兰州巴尔的摩市云顶集团的英语教授. 他著有22本书,包括三本短篇小说集,两部传记, 15 novels, and the fiction writing textbook Narrative Design. 他的书在美国、英国、 法国、德国、意大利、西班牙、希腊、丹麦、荷兰、巴西和日本. His short fiction has appeared in Best American Short Stories and the Norton Anthology of Short Fiction, among others. As an active literary journalist he contributes to The New York Times, The Nation, The New York Review of Books, and The Boston Globe, among others. 他曾在92街诗歌中心教授小说写作 Y,爱荷华作家工作坊,约翰霍普金斯大学写作研讨会,以及 at Goucher College since 1984.

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    Research, Scholarship, Creative Work in Progress

    My novel Behind the Moon is forthcoming from City Lights in May 2017.  My novel The Witch of Matongé is complete and in submission.  我正在写小说家罗伯特的传记 斯通与双日出版社签约,编辑一本斯通的非虚构作品集 under contract with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.


    The Washington Square Ensemble (novel) Viking Press, 1983; Penguin Contemporary American Fiction Series, 1984

    Waiting For The End Of The World (novel) Ticknor & Fields, 1985; Penguin Contemporary American Fiction Series, 1986

    Straight Cut (novel) Ticknor & Fields, 1986; Penguin mass-market paperback, 1987; Hard Case Crime Series paper back, 2006

    Zero db (short fiction) Ticknor & Fields, 1987; Penguin Contemporary American Fiction Series, 1988

    The Year Of Silence (novel) Ticknor & Fields, 1987; Penguin Contemporary American Fiction Series, 1989

    Soldier's Joy (novel) Ticknor & Fields, 1989; Penguin Contemporary American Fiction Series, 1990

    Barking Man (short fiction) Ticknor & Fields, 1990; Penguin Contemporary American Fiction Series, 1991; Quality Paperback Club, 1991

    Doctor Sleep (novel) Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1991; Penguin Contemporary American Fiction Series, 1992; Grove Press (paperback, 2003)

    Save Me, Joe Louis (novel) Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1993; Penguin Contemporary American Fiction Series, 1994

    All Souls' Rising (novel) Pantheon, 1995; Penguin Contemporary American Fiction Series, 1996; Vintage Contemporaries, 2004

    Ten Indians (novel) Pantheon, 1996; Penguin Contemporary American Fiction Series, 1997

    Narrative Design: A Writer's Guide to Structure (textbook), W.W. Norton, 1997.

    叙述设计:运用想象力、工艺和形式 (trade paperback edition)  Norton, 2000

    Master of the Crossroads (novel), Pantheon, 2000; Penguin Contemporary American Fiction Series, 2001; Vintage Contemporaries, 2004

    Anything Goes (novel), Pantheon, June 2002

    The Stone that the Builder Refused (novel), Pantheon, 2004; Vintage Contemporaries,  2006

    拉瓦锡在第一年:革命时代新科学的诞生 (nonfiction/biography/ history of science), W.W. Norton, 2005

    Toussaint Louverture: A Biography ,Pantheon Books, 2007; Vintage books 2008 (paperback edition)

    Charm City: A Walk through Baltimore (nonfiction) Crown, 2007

    New Stories from the South 2009: The Year’s Best (选集由麦迪逊·斯马特·贝尔编辑)教堂山的阿尔冈昆图书,2009年

    Devil’s Dream (novel) Pantheon, 2009; Vintage Books 2010 (paperback edition)

    The Color of Night (novel), Vintage Books 2011  (paperback original)

    Zig-Zag Wanderer (short stories) Concord Free Press, 2014; Electronic edition, Open Road, September 2015

    Exhibits or Performances

    艺术展:我画的恩索作为背景艺术展示了48的俳句 2014年12月,巴尔的摩作家在巴尔的摩LED Bill (Penn North)上.  Some images can be seen at: http://ledbaltimore.com/led-haiku-words-and-pictures-48-writers/

    External Awards, Honors, Grants

    The Lillian Smith Award, 1989



    George A. and Eliza Gardner Howard Foundation Award, 1991-2


    National Book Award Finalist (for All Souls' Rising) 1995

    PEN/Faulkner Award Finalist (for All Souls' Rising) 1996

    马里兰州作家奖(马里兰州图书馆协会. for All Souls' Rising), 1996

    Annisfield-Wolf Award (for All Souls' Rising), 1996

    Selected for Granta "Best American Novelists Under 40" issue, 1996




    Paul Bowles Award for Fiction, Five Points magazine, 2015

    Conference Papers & Panel Participation

    “为耳朵而写”,基韦斯特工作室写作工作坊,佛罗里达州基韦斯特,三月 12-21.

    “将历史编织进小说”,小组讨论,南方文学联盟,查塔努加 TN, April 16, 2015


    致敬米歇尔·罗尔夫·特鲁洛特,美国研究协会年会上,华盛顿 DC, November 21, 2013

    海地研究协会,蒙特利尔(10月21日至25日,2015年)介绍 Soul in a Bottle

    SAMLA,北卡罗来纳州罗利达勒姆(2015年11月12日至15日)创意全体会议发言人(与Wyn Cooper, events included Bell & Cooper musical performance).



    Invited Talks


    实习,包括阅读《云顶集团》和《云顶集团》中的小说 10月2日至8日,在老道明大学艺术硕士创意写作项目的工艺讲座 2013


    2月26日至27日,佛罗里达州罗林斯学院写作项目实习和阅读, 2014

    2014年4月9日,《云顶集团》,Newtonville Books,马萨诸塞州波士顿


    Academic or Professional Associations

    Member, Associated Writing  Programs

    Fellowship of Southern Writers, 2003- present


    Contributing Editor, Bomb, 2010- present

    PEN/Faulkner Board of Directors 2014- present

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